Project Demos
Please have a look at of some of the projects I have made since learning how to code in November 2022!
Journaling / Playlist Generator app
Group project at the end of the CFG degree. Uses 2 external APIs, has a SQL database and clean CLI. Watch demo here!
Trivia CLI
Made for practicing external API queries. Demo coming soon! In the meantime, here is the Github repo
Rock Paper Scissors CLI
Made for practicing python, exception handling, and using the random library. Demo coming soon! In the meantime, here is the Github repo
Simple Incrementor App
Made by following beginner Javascript tutorial on scrimba and deployed using netlify. Use here!
Simple Blackjack Game
Made by following beginner Javascript tutorial on scrimba and deployed using netlify. Use here!
Project 6 coming soon
Chrome extension tutorial from scrimba. Currently work in progress but coming soon :)